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Balanced Diet Meal Plans

Balanced Diet Meal Plans

A well-balanced diet meal plan is essential for not only keeps our health good, supply Nutrition but also keep away many chronic diseases like Diabetics, Cancer & Heart-related problems. Today due to lack of time we usually don't pay much attention to regular diets which should keep changing or evolving unless having all proper nutrients.

So, do you check your meal plan frequently? Is your meal plan is a balanced diet meal plan? Is your current meal plan suffice for you & your family health and nutrients? If you have not yet thought of this then do check now:)

Let's understand the basic of foods, it's fundamentals in Food Pyramid & more on a balanced diet meal plan in this Video.

In our day to day busy life, we couldn't get time to think & explore on our diet. Initially, I also faced the same but thankfully I realized quite before, then did researches and took expert recommendation too to know before making a smart & complete diet plan for the whole family.

Apart from a Healthy Diet, there is one more important thing which also we must know properly and i.e. Water. Besides balanced diet meal plans, you need to know the proper way of drinking water too. 
    How much water we should take every day?
    How to drink water properly? How much should be water temperature?

    Let's understand properly here.

    60-70% content is water in our body. It does not only hydrate your body but also removes impurity from your body. Water is the most ideal approach to detox your body. So it's essential to have water in a proper quantity, temperature & in the right way!

    proper way of drinking water

     Here are the complete guidelines on the proper way of drinking water.
    • Start your day with 1-2 glass of warm water before brushing so that your mouth saliva goes inside your body and keeps away germs and bacteria.
    • Always sit and have water like sipping, don't rush taking water.
    • Always take water half an hour before a meal and one hour after a meal.
    • total water intake should be 2.5 Liter to 3 Liter or 8-10 glass throughout the day including juices, milk and soft drinks.
    • Lukewarm or Normal Water is the best to take to have proper digestion, unlike a cold one.

    What's A Balanced diet Meal Plan?

    Balanced Diet Meal Plans

    Balanced diet meal plans do not mean cutting down or restricting some foods, It's the proper and healthy combination of the right food in the right quantity, which provides all the health essentials along with weight management. A food pyramid tells all about the quantity in each category of food, so let's understand the food pyramid structure to get the overall food basics. Once you get the concept of food pyramid then know the food fundamentals also to make a healthy and a balanced diet meal plan.

    Food Pyramid

    Balanced Diet Meal Plans

          There is basically five main categories inside a Food Pyramid.

    1. 1st category is the base of the food pyramid which basically contains Carbs foods like whole grains, Cereals, Pasta, Rice, Wheat etc. It should be 40% of your plate & overall 3-5 servings in a day.
    2. In the 2nd Category, which should be 35% of our meal is Fresh Fruits & Vegetables that you can take 5-7 servings though out the day. Have all colours vegetable salad along with curry and Carbohydrates. Fruits can be taken as in Juice in the morning or whole fruit/salads in the mid-morning snacks or evening snacks. This Vegetables & fruits are the powerhouse nutrition for your body.
    3. In the 3rd category foods which are Dairy products like milk, paneer, cheese, ghee, butter, Meats, Fish, Poultry, eggs & Nuts, which should be taken as 20% of your overall meal throughout the day. Try taking lean meat. Nuts you should take as a handful or a fist that much.
    4. In the 4th category comes meat, fish, poultry, green peas & nuts etc. Consume these in a moderate amount.
    5. In the Pyramid And the last category, one is bakery products, fats, sugar, junk food which should be taken rarely & in 5% quantity not more than that.
    With this healthy Food pyramid now you must have got an idea of how much & what kind of foods to take. If you know these basics of quantity and food you can make any kind of healthy recipe based on your taste and based on your region.
    Next, you need to know the Food Fundamentals to create complete and balanced diet meal plans for you & your family.


    Balanced Diet Meal Plans: Conclusion

    Having a well-balanced diet meal or plant-based food choice is the same old thing. Nowadays, an ever-increasing number of individuals are finding out about the intensity of food, and how various propensities can be gainful for complete wellbeing.
    Our body isn't simply bits of organs. It is comprised of vitality and data, and unquestionably part is the means by which we additionally convey to each other .it's working as a framework. It requires a ton of substrates, similar to micronutrients and macronutrients, and we get that from food.

    Tragically, our latest food system doesn't comprise of all the essentials. That is the reason we are getting more sick and more wiped out mentally, physically and certainly genuinely.

    Moreover, the brain requires supplements like hormones and Vitamin D for the psychological, passionate, intellectual, and memory capacities to work appropriately. The specialist said these can be picked up from nature or nutritious entire nourishments — those that are natural and don't have any new fixings or synthetic compounds — as bodies are intended to be associated with those. 
     it isn't tied in with checking calories, and that adjusting fats, protein, and carbs are required. The structure of the food is the most significant.

    Balanced Diet Meal Plans

    Last but not the least, along with the right diet, eating on time is the key to get good health. So set the right time for your balanced diet meal plans!


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