4 Main Yoga to stay fit Skip to main content

4 Main Yoga to stay fit

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

stand straight ankles apart and hang your arms behind your torso. Balance your body weight on your body after raising your ankles and landing them on the floor. As you inhale, lift your ankles and release your shoulder blades away from your head. This asana involves all major muscles and is the foundation of most asanas.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Stand straight and put your right leg high up on your left thigh. once you maintain a balance, inhale slowly and join your palms together above your head.your spine and left leg should be straight, try to be in this position for a minutes or so, once you exhale, bring the hands down and put your right leg on the ground. This to strengthen the feet and back.

Kursiasana (Chair Pose)

Slightly keep your legs apart and arms stretched up. While Inhaling bend your knees and push your pelvis as if you are sitting on a chair. So doing this, keep your hands straight and take deep breaths. Then slowly you exhale and relax. This asana strengthens legs and arms with the energizing effect on both the body and the mind.

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Most simplest asana is this!this is like eating position , the way we sit and eat in the gound. sit staright,cross your leg and put your hands on top of the knees,join the tip of your index finger with the tip of your thumb). This asana is ideal for meditation. It strengthens the spine and relaxes the entire body.


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